Tuesday, April 24, 2007

the rain drop story

The drop of rain was up somewhere in some cloud... looking down from the cloud.... the drop saw the beautiful earth... it focused on a pond with one blooming lotus and the leaf beside it.... while the rain drop was admiring it.... a strong wind blew from nowhere.... the rain drop tripped and fell from the cloud like the few others... not all drops fell... a lot of them succeeded to clung on to the cloud...

While the raindrop was on its route to hit the earth... it prayed that it falls on the lotus it was admiring from above... its prayers was almost answered... it fell on the tip of one of the petal and slid down to the leaf beside... resting on the leaf... it looked at the lotus and then at the pond... it thought... so what if I did not get to stay on the lotus atleast i'm not among the million of water drops... it felt privileged to stay on the lotus leaf... even the leaf was kind to it... the raindrop moved all about the leaf... it liked the leaf... for all the time it stayed on the leaf... it liked the leaf a lot...

The leaf let the drop to stay on it... like it would have any drop to stay on it... without being attached to it... just enjoying the company... it liked the company of the raindrop... and told the same to the raindrop...

The raindrop became too attached and possessive about the leaf... it realized this when another raindrop fell on the leaf... and the leaf treated it with the same affection as it treated the first raindrop... our dear raindrop did not know what to do... it felt restricted... it felt the leaf was avoiding it.... it was wishing to push the other raindrop into the pond... and acquire the command over the leaf... but didn't dare to do it... what if the leaf disapproves of the act?? - was the thought it had...

It lived on like this as long as it could.... then it asked the leaf if the leaf could hold the raindrop forever.... the leaf answered that it can hold no one... it can just be with the raindrop as long as it could stay on the leaf... the leaf added " I never let go of anyone, everyone leaves me".... to this the naive raindrop thought till the sun comes and dries me... I will stay with the leaf...

After a little while, two more drops of rain fell on the leaf... this again made our raindrop sad... it started feeling insignificant... it thought... 'I wanted to stay on the leaf so that I could feel the worth of my existence.. but now, I see no difference in sticking on to the leaf and being one among the million water drops....

Feeling grateful for the time spent with the leaf... the raindrop slipped from the unperturbed leaf to the pond and got lost among the millions of other waterdrops.

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