Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fighting my toughest enemy

My worst and the toughest enemy to fight so far has been - my anger. I'm in a war with it from the time I can remember. Of all the battles fought, most of it is won by anger to my greatest regret. I have of course won a few battles, but it is nothing compared to numbers anger has won against me. Now, I'm determined to win the WAR. I'm noting a few things that could help me, as a self reminder in this war....
1. Every time anger is about to attack, breath deeply.
2. Chant a mantra. Till control is mine.
3. Laugh. Instead of getting anger, laugh - "oh my God! Life can be like this also!!"

These are ones that will help. I hope to add to the list as and when I learn of a new technique. This is it for now.