Saturday, March 24, 2007

Almost love....

I almost loved you...

If telling person verbally that u love him is the part of the package... then I almost loved you...
I thought u will feel my love with no verbal words but in my silence... so I say I almost loved u...

If being with person u love... seeing his face every night before u sleep... waking up to look in his eyes... is part of the package... then I almost loved you...
I just think of u every night before I sleep and wake with u in my thots... so I say I almost loved u...

If speaking to him everyday is part of love... then I almost loved u....
I speak to u only when u can call me... so I say I almost loved u....

If holding hands... laying my head on the shoulder... is a part of the package... then i almost loved you...
I have not seen u in flesh and blood... so I say I almost loved u....

If remembering the person... day and night... is part of the package... then I almost loved you...
I don’t forget u ever... so no chance of remembering... so I say I almost loved you....

If being fearless it the part of the package... then I almost loved you
I fear to speak what I feel... I fear how u will react... I fear... so I say I almost love you...

If u have to wed the person you love... then I almost loved you
For the man-made barriers I will not marry u... so I say I almost loved you...

I say I almost loved you....

If rules of love ever changes... if the package of love ever changes... or if my thots change that day

I will not say I almost loved you... I will say... “I LOVE YOU”

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My first post.....

As title suggests... this is my first post... I dunno wat more to mention... on this fine morning, out of my bed i'm sittin in frnt of the comp... not a thing tht wud please my mom... so keeping my first entry short( or rather with no contents) .....